
God Is Far Above Us

The word majesty, when applied to God, is always a declaration of his greatness and an invitation to worship. The same is true when the Bible speaks of God as being on high and in heaven; the thought here is not that God is far distant from us in space, but that he is far above us in greatness, and therefore is to be adored. “Great is the LORD, and most worthy of praise” (Ps 48:1). “The LORD is the great God, the great King…. Come, let us bow down in worship” (Ps 95:3, 6). The Christian’s instincts of trust and worship are stimulated very powerfully by knowledge of the greatness of God.
–J. I. Packer

He is not far from us, but He is far above us in greatness, power, might, dignity, and worth!
May God show each of us His greatness today so that we will naturally adore Him!


The Dignity and Worth of All People

People who looked to Jesus as their political savior were constantly befuddled by his choice of companions. He became known as a friend of tax collectors, a group clearly identified with the foreign exploiters, not the exploited. Though he denounced the religious system of his day, he treated a leader like Nicodemus with respect, and though he spoke against the dangers of money and of violence, he showed love and compassion toward a rich young ruler and a Roman centurion. In short, Jesus honored the dignity of people, whether he agreed with them or not. He would not found his kingdom on the basis of race or class or other such divisions. Anyone, even a half-breed with five husbands or a thief dying on a cross, was welcome to join his kingdom. The person was more important than any category or label.
–Philip Yancey

Jesus honored the dignity of all people, whether He agreed with them or not.
I am to be like Jesus.
I am to do the same.
All men are created in the image of God, and therefore have dignity and worth. May I always remember that when I look at people who are different than me. And may I strive to love them with the love of Christ – with compassion and kindness, seeking to be a friend to them.


Only The Cross Should Offend

The cross should be the only stumbling block any “outsider” would ever face when entering our churches. God’s Word gives clear space for the cross to offend. The church is not.
–Ed Stetzer & Thom Rainer

What prejudices, biases, or preferences do you hold that would keep you from welcoming someone into your life? God calls us to “be all things to all people” in order to save some. He tells us to live at peace with all men, as far as it is possible. We, the servants of God, those who know His love and compassion though we did not deserve it, we are the ones who are to bend over backwards for others, so that they can experience God’s love through us. The only thing that should possibly cause them to be offended is the message of the cross and the Lordship of Jesus, these are the things that many people find too difficult to accept. But other than that, it is our role to lay aside every prejudice, bias, and preference so that we can by all means save some by bringing them to Jesus!

God, remove from my heart and mind all things that would hinder me from leading someone to You. Help me to be willing to befriend everyone in order to help lead them toward Your great grace.


Preferring a Hoe over a Scepter

Learn the lesson that, if you are to do the work of a prophet, what you need is not a scepter but a hoe.
–Bernard of Clairvaux

To serve God, you do not need to aspire to hold a king’s scepter, but a servant’s hoe. God is the only King – the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We are called to servanthood. So grab a hoe and get to work for Him.

How will you serve Him today?


Your Feelings Can Sometimes Lead You Astray

Believe God’s word and power more than you believe your own feelings and experiences.
—Samuel Rutherford

Sometimes we think about God based more on our feelings than on His Word. His promises are true and never failing. Don’t believe your feelings (which often lie) over the Word of God (which never does). Our feelings about God are wrong if they stand in opposition to God’s Word.

I have heard people tell me that they felt God leading them to do _________ (fill-in-the-blank), but the thing that they shared with me that they were doing was contrary to what God commands in His Word. We can’t rip out pages, portions, or passages of the Bible just because we feel they should say something else. God’s Word has stood the test of time. Hold firmly to it, over your feelings and experiences, if you wish to see His power and experience true abundant living.