Christian Living Quotes

What Running Into Trouble Tells You About Your Life

Many people throughout the ages have always considered that running into trouble meant that God was mad at them. Therefore if someone is dealing with sickness or injury or loss or any other difficulty, many people have always felt that these things must be consequences of God’s displeasure with the person. But that is not always the case.

Dr. Packer’s quote below reminds us that certainly the trouble we face could be God’s discipline, and therefore we should think through and pray through the issue to make sure that we consider whether we have disobeyed God in some way to receive His discipline. But he reminds us that every sign of trouble is not a sign of God’s displeasure with us:

Trouble should always be treated as a call to consider one’s ways. But trouble is not necessarily a sign of being off track at all; for as the Bible declares in general that “many are the afflictions of the righteous” (Psalm 34:19), so it teaches in particular that following God’s guidance regularly leads to upsets and distresses which one would otherwise have escaped. Examples abound. God guided Israel by means of a fiery and cloudy pillar that went before them (Exodus 13:21-22); yet the way by which he led them involved the nerve-shredding cliffhanger of the Red Sea crossing…. And Jesus’ disciples were twice caught by night in bad weather on the Sea of Galilee (Mark 4:37; 6:48), and both times the reason why they were there was the command of Jesus himself (see Mark 4:35; 6:45).
–J. I. Packer

There are many times that we will face difficulty because we live in a fallen world that has many troubles (including disease, pain, injury, death, etc.). And there are some times that we might face difficulty because of God’s discipline. But there are many other times that we will face difficulty even when we are doing God’s will, as the directions He takes us may be to build our faith so that we will be better witnesses for Him. And there are also times when we are doing His will that the enemy will desire to thwart our efforts and engage us in spiritual warfare (as He did with Paul’s “thorn in the flesh”).

It can be hard to discern which of these you are experiencing, but please don’t credit every problem you encounter with God’s discipline. In fact, it may be that you are right in the center of His will, right where He wants you to be. And He loves you and He is walking with you through each and every difficulty. And do know this, even when we do experience God’s discipline, it is always out of love to bring you back to a place where He can use you again.


A Love For Holiness

Many a criminal will weep when his sentence is read, not because he has come to love righteousness, but because his freedom to do more unrighteousness is being taken away. That kind of weeping is not true evangelical repentance. And it does not lead to radical Christian obedience.

The only true sorrow for not having holiness comes from a love for holiness, not just from fear of the consequences of not having it.
–John Piper

I pray that I will always experience true sorrow over my sins, and that I will be truly repentant of not being holy, instead of simply upset because my freedom is taken away.


While We Were Yet Sinners, Christ Died For Us

…Jesus takes full responsibility for the constituent parts of his body. “You did not choose me, but I chose you,” he told his disciples, and these were the very scalawags who so exasperated him and would soon desert him at his hour of greatest need. I think of Peter, whose bluster, love, hot-headedness, misdirected passion, and faithless betrayal preview in embryo form nineteen centuries of church history. On “rocks” like him, Jesus built his church, and he promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against it.
–Philip Yancey

I am a sinner saved by grace.
I am so grateful that Jesus chose me.


Trying Christianity

Christianity has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.
–G.K. Chesterton

One of my favorite quotes.

Too many people have “thrown out” Christianity without ever “trying” it. (not that you can really “try” Christianity, though you can truly investigate it.) But to the many who say that Christianity is of no value – that it is an outdated, unnecessary religion – the truth is that most of them have in no way truly investigated Christianity – they have been unwilling to give a fair look at the claims of who Jesus is and what He has done.

In my own experience, I have found that Christianity is difficult, but its value is immeasurable and worth my very life.


A High View of Both Sin and Grace

“Abhor what is evil.” A gospel-centered community acknowledges the presence of sin and welcomes the confession of sin. But a truly gospel-centered community never reduces the severity of sin…. When God saves us, our attitude toward sin changes. Sin doesn’t become easier to commit; it becomes more despicable to us than ever.
–Matt Chandler

Another current Christian leader – Russell Moore – tells us that we need to hold a “high view” of grace AND a “high view” of sin. What he means is that we do not reduce either one. We hold to what the Bible says about sin – that it is deplorable to God. We don’t begin excusing sin. We remind ourselves that we are sinners who commit terrible actions against God’s plans. And yet, we also hold a high view of grace, that reminds us that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. That sin is deplorable but grace can cover over every deplorable sin.

May we all continue to abhor what is evil and keep shouting to others the marvelous message of grace!