The most common objection I hear when I am training churches in evangelism is this: “All my friends are Christians! With work, parental responsibilities, church activities, there‘s no time left to form a friendship with a seeker.”
Life does get more complicated with greater responsibilities as we get older. Yet to have no time to be “the aroma of Christ” to an unbelieving neighbor, friend, or colleague means we aren’t taking seriously God’s command to “go and make disciples.”
What an insidious reversal of the biblical command to be salt and light to the world! The rabbit-hole Christian remains insulated and isolated from the world when she is commanded to penetrate it. How can we be the salt of the earth if we never get out of the saltshaker?
–Rebecca Pippert
We are all busy.
We all have many responsibilities… at home, at work, with family, with recreation.
But shouldn’t I take the responsibility given to me by God – the One who sent His Son; the One who died for me – shouldn’t I take what He says as being of the utmost importance?
How many of us live more for ourselves than for His kingdom?
He tells us to “love your neighbor as yourself”…. Have I even gone across the street to meet my neighbor?
He tells be to be on mission for Him…. With all the vacations that I take as being my prerogative or privilege for all my hard work, have I ever chosen to use that time to take a mission trip?
Too many of us have bought into the lie that we are too busy to get out of the saltshaker. But I wonder if maybe it is just that my selfishness keeps getting in my way and keeping me from being willing to obey Christ in the ways I know I should. He tells us to lay down our lives, our wants, our desires, our plans to minister to others in His Name. Why am I so unwilling?
He tells us that the Christian life means serious business… And that may mean that we have to get rid of some of our busy-ness so that we can prioritize His business.
We make times for the things that we want to do.
Let us want to do His will.
Let’s get out of that saltshaker!