
Renouncing Power; Gaining Love. What Jesus Did On Calvary.

Power, no matter how well-intentioned, tends to cause suffering.
Love, being vulnerable, absorbs it.
In a point of convergence on a hill called Calvary, God renounced the one for the sake of the other.

–Philip Yancey

If Jesus saw the necessity of “emptying Himself” and renouncing power to show His vulnerable love that absorbs our suffering, then I should attempt to do the same.

But it sure is hard to do.

“Father, help me to be vulnerable and loving towards others, so that I can work to absorb suffering, rather than inflict it through any use of power.”


Hoping to Develop the Eyes of Jesus

Christian love sees the fellowman under the cross and therefore sees with clarity. If when we judged others, our real motive was to destroy evil, we should look for evil where it is certain to be found, and that is in our own hearts. But if we are on the lookout for evil in others, our real motive is obviously to justify ourselves, for we are seeking to escape punishment for our own sins by passing judgement on others, and are assuming by implication that the Word of God applies to ourselves in one way, and to others in another. All this is highly dangerous and misleading. We are trying to claim for ourselves a special privilege which we deny to others.
–Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Oh how many times I fail at this one.
To judge others is much more enjoyable than looking for evil within myself.
I much prefer to justify myself by passing judgment on others.
I definitely like to think of how a sermon applies to someone else than it does to me… “God, I sure hope _______ is listening this morning.” Or “God, I wish ______ was here to hear this one.” Instead of “God, I see where I fail at applying this message, help me to be more faithful to You and Your Word.”

If I could develop the compassionate eyes of Christ, then I would see my fellowman as someone deserving my love and help rather than my judgment.


This World Is Not My Home, So Why Do I Still Cling To It?

You have here no lasting home. You are a stranger and a pilgrim wherever you may be, and you shall have no rest until you are wholly united with Christ. Why do you look about here when this is not the place of your repose? Dwell rather upon heaven and give but a passing glance to all earthly things. They all pass away, and you together with them. Take care, then, that you do not cling to them lest you be entrapped and perish. Fix your mind on the Most High, and pray unceasingly to Christ.
–Thomas à Kempis

I know these words are the truth.
I know my eternity lies elsewhere – in heaven with Jesus.
I know that I should hold loosely to the things that are here in this temporary pit stop.

And yet, I often fail to do so.
Instead, I cling tightly to things that will soon pass away

Father, help me to hold on more tightly to the things of Your kingdom and character and to hold loosely to the things of this world. Help me not cling to material goods, nor to a desire for popularity, or fame, or power. All that I need is in Your hands. Help me to trust that You will give me those things You hold in Your hands at just the right time.


To Share the Gospel, You Must Share Your Life

To share the gospel we must share our life, our very selves. If we don’t grasp that Christ has freed us to be authentic, we will see evangelism as a project instead of a lifestyle. And we will tend to see non-Christians more as objects of our evangelistic efforts than as authentic persons.
–Rebecca Pippert

A friend recently commented on one of my posts: We are not in the ministry; the ministry is in us.

We have been freed to be authentic – and being an authentic follower of Christ means we will naturally want to share the greatest news we ever discovered with others. It is not a project, it is a lifestyle of changing our conversations to tell people of the goodness of God. And people aren’t objects or projects, either. Every new person we meet should be looked at as a potential next best friend who we want to share our life with.

Who is in your “sphere of influence” that you need to reach out to more intentionally to share your life with?


Anxiety Brings Nothing But Trouble

Of what use is anxiety about the future? Does it bring you anything but trouble upon trouble? …It is foolish and useless to be either grieved or happy about future things which perhaps may never happen. But it is human to be deluded by such imaginations, and the sign of a weak soul to be led on by suggestions of the enemy. For he does not care whether he overcomes you by love of the present or fear of the future.
–Thomas à Kempis

What are you worrying about right now?
And how is that helping your state of mind?
Stop speculating on things that may or may not happen in the future, as all this does is cause you anxiety.
As the quote above indicates – Satan tempts us to have anxieties and worries over speculation, and he is pleased to keep you from growing in God due to anxiety.

Cast your cares upon the Lord. He knows your needs. He knows His plans for you. Allow your trust in Him and His love for you be of greater strength than your anxiety and speculation over the future.