
The Giver Is More Important Than The Gifts

God wants to remind us:
…What I have given, I can take away and restore when it pleases Me. What I give remains Mine, and thus when I take it away I take nothing that is yours, for every good gift and every perfect gift is Mine.
–Thomas à Kempis

God is the giver of gifts. We are the stewards. Too often we forget our roles and therefore we get fussy when something that he has given is taken away from us. But we must also remember that God is a great Father who dearly loves His children, and that perhaps He might take the item away because we have become too dependent upon it instead of upon Him.

As a good Father, He knows our every need, and He knows that our greatest need is Himself. If anything in our lives gets put into a position above Him, it is beneficial for us that He take it away, even if it is a good gift. Once we get our lives reoriented to Him, He has the power to restore the same good gift or perhaps an even better one. Let us trust Him with the giving of gifts knowing that He desires us to have an abundant life in Him. And let us strive to be good stewards, never elevating the gifts above the Giver!


The Gospel is Sufficiently Strong on Its Own

Regarding our fear of sharing our faith due to people possibly asking us questions that we do not know the answers to:
Of course people will ask us questions that we can’t answer! What has that got to do with evangelism? The gospel does not need our aid in its defense; it is quite capable of defending itself. As Luther said, “Let us not be anxious, the gospel does not need our help; it is sufficiently strong of itself!”
–Rebecca Pippert

Yes, we need to stay sharp and prepared for peoples’ questions, if we can, through the study of God’s Word. However, we cannot know all things about the Bible, nor can we anticipate every single question that may come our way. What we can do is tell people the truth of what happened to us due to our relationship with Jesus: “He changed my life.”

As a Christian songwriter recently wrote:
“How do I know what I believe? Well, I’m not the same me, and that’s all the proof I need!”


Why Worrying Is So Dangerous For You

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.
–Corrie Ten Boom

What a great statement.
The sorrow that is coming tomorrow won’t be stopped through your worry. Worry can’t change anything that happened in the past, and worry can’t prevent tragic things from occurring tomorrow. But there is one thing that worry does do in the present…

Worry empties today of its strength.

Your worry impacts you right now by tying you up in knots, by keeping you from moving forward due to fear, by removing your ability to function well due to anxiety.

That is why Peter tells us to “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.”
Which is great news for all of us!


The Absurdity of Jesus’ Claims

Throughout His ministry, Jesus attempted to keep people from publicly announcing Him as the Son of God or as the Messiah. But after His arrest He claims this to both the religious leaders and to Pilate. Why did He wait until moments before the crucifixion to begin plainly declaring who He was?

Many times before, Jesus had turned down the chance to declare himself. When healed people, disciples, and even demons recognized him as Messiah, he had hushed them up. In the days of popularity, when crowds chased him around the lake like fanatics pursuing a celebrity, he had fled. When these fans caught him, eager to coronate him on the spot, he preached a sermon so troublesome that all but a few turned away. Only on this day of his crucifixion, first before the religious establishment and then before the political, only when his claims would seem the height of absurdity, did he admit to who he was.

“The Son of God,” he told the religious powers, who had him in their grasp. “A king,” he told a Roman governor, who must have laughed aloud. A pitiful specimen, he probably reminded Pilate of one of Rome’s deranged who claimed to be Caesar. Weak, rejected, doomed, utterly alone — only then did Jesus think it safe to reveal himself and accept the title “Christ.” As Karl Barth comments, “He does not confess his Messiahship until the moment when the danger of founding a religion is finally past.”
–Philip Yancey

Certainly it must have seemed absurd to these leaders (who Jesus had finally allowed to arrest Him) to consider Jesus as Messiah. He was about to be crucified. He was now under their control (at least that was how it seemed to them). How ridiculous for Jesus to make such claims as to be the Son of God. And yet, when Jesus was raised up on the cross, He drew men to Himself for all eternity! The claims may have seemed ridiculous and absurd at the time, but when Jesus rose from the dead, He proved that He was exactly who He said He was!

That is why the disciples were radically transformed after the resurrection. And that is why He deserves my very life given in full obedience to Him – not only my service, but also my thoughts, my attitudes, my speech, my behavior – all of my life given to Him to use however He directs. I hope you have investigated the absurdity of Jesus’ claims and also come to the conclusion that He is exactly who He claimed to be. I hope you have decided to declare Him Lord of all of your life.

(and if you are wondering why I had a week hiatus from writing after almost four months of daily posts… well, my computer died on me! Last Sunday it worked on Sunday morning, but then on Sunday afternoon… kaput! I had to go buy a new computer, had to get all the information from the dead computer extracted and moved to the new one, etcetera etcetera…. So it took the full week to get everything moved over to a new computer and back on track with posting again! Hopefully I won’t have any other unexpected interruptions in the near future!)


The Heaven I Long For

My heaven is to please God and glorify Him,
and to give all to Him,
and to be wholly devoted to His glory;
that is the heaven I long for.

–David Brainerd

Oh that each of us would long for this as well. To please Him, glorify Him, and give all to Him. What a difference it would make in our own lives, the lives of our family members, the life of our church, and the state of our community, nation, and world.

What do you and I desire most in our lives?