
God Has Called You Into Full-Time Ministry

Dualism has infected our minds. We unconsciously believe that there is a sacred / secular divide. Being a minister for Christ is NOT an activity, a profession, a position, a title, a “higher” or a “special” calling, and does not require lengthy and expensive training. It is NOT a segment of our life, but an integration of all that we are. It is not as much what we do, as it is who we are.
–Kent Humphreys

Kent was a business-man who decided that God had called him to be the minister to his workplace. He also wants all other Christians to realize their calling to be work-place pastors. I agree with him that when God calls you into a relationship with Himself, He is calling you into ministry to others. It is to be WHO you are, not just what you do. I pray that God will help you embrace this idea and begin serving those around you as a minister – looking for ways to meet their spiritual needs in the name of Jesus.