Christian Living

God is More Powerful than Me, But I’m Not So Sure He’s Wiser

drawing of three wise men with quote "wise men still seek him" - reminding me of the need to be wiser
“We are accustomed to admit freely that God is more powerful than we are, but not that He is wiser than we are. To be sure, we may say that He is; but when it comes to a showdown, we do not want to act on what we say.”
–Martin Luther

Martin Luther nails me pretty hard with this statement. Certainly I can affirm that God is all-powerful. I can even say that I believe He is wiser than me. But I don’t live as if it is true. When I know what God tells me to do and yet refuse to do it, then I am saying that I am wiser than God, that I know best for my life. In that moment, I’m asking Him to come off the throne because He isn’t sufficiently wise to run my life. I take back control and run my life the way I think is best.

So mentally I can agree that God is wise and that He knows best, but practically I live as if I am wiser than God. I’m hoping that someday soon I can get my mental knowledge and my practical behavior to converge and line up together.