Nor are we only kings and the freest of all men, but also priests for ever, a dignity far higher than kingship, because by that priesthood we are worthy to appear before God, to pray for others, and to teach one another mutually the things which are of God. For these are the duties of priests, and they cannot possibly be permitted to any unbeliever. Christ has obtained for us this favour, if we believe in Him, that, just as we are His brethren, and co-heirs and fellow kings with Him, so we should be also fellow priests with Him, and venture with confidence, through the spirit of faith, to come into the presence of God, and cry “Abba, Father!” and to pray for one another.
–Martin Luther
In Christ, we have been adopted into the family of God – making us royalty. Through Christ, we have experienced grace, making us free in Him. But in being brought into this royal and free family, we have also been given a role – that of priests. As such, it is our role and duty to minister to those around us – helping them connect with God in stronger ways because of their relationship with us. Are the people who work with you able to say that about you… that their relationship with God is better because they have a relationship with you? How about your family or other friends?
In Christ, you are a priest forever. Be faithful to your calling and seek to be an expert in this, your task. Diligently pray for those around you, and teach them how to live for God.