Why, then, any miracles? Did they make any difference?
I readily concede that Jesus, with a few dozen healings and a handful of resurrections from the dead, did little to solve the problem of pain on this planet. That is not why He came. Nevertheless, it was in Jesus’ nature to counteract the effects of the fallen world during His time on earth. As He strode through life Jesus used supernatural power to set right what was wrong. Every physical healing pointed back to a time in Eden when physical bodies did not go blind, get crippled, or bleed nonstop for twelve years — and also pointed forward to a time of re-creation to come. The miracles He did perform, breaking as they did the chains of sickness and death, give me a glimpse of what the world was meant to be and instill hope that one day God will right its wrongs. To put it mildly, God is no more satisfied with this earth than we are; Jesus’ miracles offer a hint of what God intends to do about it.
–Philip Yancey
I can’t wait!