
Justice Is What You Deserve…Compassion What You Need

Not only is justice deserved, it is often called for.
But where would any of us be without mercy?

front steps of a courthouseHere is a good illustration of both justice and mercy:

One bitterly cold night in January in the 1930s, the Mayor of a large city turned up at a night court that served the poorest area of the city. The Mayor would occasionally come to the court, dismiss the judge for the evening, and take over the bench himself to hear the cases. On this night he did so again, taking off his coat and hat, taking his seat behind the bench, and beginning to hear the various court cases. Within a few minutes, an elderly woman in tattered clothing was brought before him, charged with stealing a loaf of bread. She told the Mayor that her son-in-law had deserted her daughter, her daughter had then become sick, and her two grandchildren were now starving. But the store owner, from whom the bread was stolen, refused to drop the charges. “It’s a bad neighborhood, your Honor,” the man told the Mayor. “She’s got to be punished to teach other people around here a lesson.”

The Mayor sighed. He turned to the woman and said, “I’ve got to punish you. The law makes no exceptions…ten dollars or ten days in jail.” But even as he pronounced sentence, the Mayor was already reaching into his pocket. He extracted a bill and tossed it into his hat saying: “Here is the ten dollar fine which I now remit; and furthermore I am going to fine everyone in this courtroom fifty cents for living in a town where a person has to steal bread so that her grandchildren can eat. Mr. Bailiff, collect the fines and give them to the defendant.”

The following day the newspapers reported that $47.50 was turned over to a bewildered old lady who had stolen a loaf of bread to feed her starving grandchildren, fifty cents of that amount being contributed by the red-faced grocery store owner, while some seventy others –petty criminals, people with traffic violations, and city policeman– each of whom had just paid fifty cents for the privilege of doing so, gave the mayor a standing ovation.

The mayor, who was required to uphold justice, also showed amazing love and compassion.

This story was presented to me as true, but even if it is not, it is a great parable of what God has done for each and every person on this earth. God, the just Judge, must uphold His own law. But in His mercy and compassion, instead of condemning all of us who cannot pay the fine, He went ahead and paid the costly price to satisfy His own justice.

I am now that bewildered one who stands before the Judge knowing that I am guilty of breaking the laws He has made, but having the fine paid for me. I am standing before Him knowing it is right for me to receive punishment due to my selfish choices that led me to break His laws, but instead I receive mercy.

Justice is what I deserve, but what I received was compassion through the just Judge paying a fine He did not owe to allow me to experience ultimate freedom… freedom to live for Him.

Will I ?


Homeless Savior

bird nest with blue eggs
“Birds have nests, Foxes have holes… but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”


I have never been without a place to lay my head at night. But along with many of my friends, I did lose my house in a hurricane and didn’t have a home for a while. Being homeless in that way wasn’t a lot of fun. We were dependent on others and on their hospitality for several months.

After a couple of months, we were able to move into a FEMA trailer. It was certainly a blessing to have, but it still wasn’t home. And what we found is that you are never truly comfortable until you reach your true home. You are not comfortable in a borrowed trailer, in a friend’s converted garage, in a relative’s house. You are thankful for these options, but you aren’t comfortable until you are back in your home.

Stone Feeding Trough - Jesus' First Bed. (image from
Stone Feeding Trough – Jesus’ First Bed.
(image from

Jesus, the Savior, left His heavenly home. And even as He arrived on the earth, He seemed homeless – he was not born in the comforts of his family’s home, but rather in a stable and placed in a feed trough for his first basinet. He and his family would become refugees in another country while He was still a baby. And during His ministry, He lived as a traveling preacher without a home base. He knew what it was to be homeless.

But today, though Jesus has ascended back into Heaven – our God is still looking for a place to dwell on the earth as He now inhabits human hearts. Have you let Him take ownership of yours?

And just because you let Him in, have you given Him full control to redecorate as He sees fit? Or have you only let Him into certain rooms and allowed Him limited freedom there – more like a tenant than an owner?
Have you given Him a true home in your heart?

“Birds have nests
Foxes have dens
The hope of the whole world rests
On the shoulders of a homeless man
You had the shoulders of a homeless man
You did not have a home”
          –Rich Mullins

The question remains – Have you given the Homeless Savior full ownership of the home He wants in your heart?


Developing Your Personal Worship Plan

“Private personal worship is an effective tool of grace in the hands of God to kill those things in you that must die in order that you may be what you have been called to be.” –Paul Tripp

praying hands on top of a bible symbolizing personal worship

The last two years at FBC Newton where I pastor, we have provided people with a simple guide to use as they think through a personal worship plan. It is a list of some key spiritual areas that each person should consider strengthening and it provides some examples that can be used to determine new spiritual commitments for the year.

At the end of the post is a link that will let you download a pdf file that can be printed on a regular sheet of paper and then folded and placed in your Bible so you can refer to it throughout the year.

Here are the areas we ask people to consider praying through with examples of some possible commitments that could be selected or adapted:

Reading of God’s Word
I will commit to a daily Bible reading of ___ minutes per day.
I will commit to reading ___ chapter(s) per day.
I will commit to reading through the New Testament, Old Testament, or Entire Bible this year.

Prayer Life
I will commit to a daily prayer time of ____ minutes daily.
I will commit to pray daily with my spouse & children.
I will commit to pray with others outside of “church time.”

Personal Praise
I will commit to listen to only Christian music in my vehicle.
I will add personal praise into my daily devotion time.

Financial Giving
I will commit to tithe this year.
I will commit to increase my giving by ________ this year.
I will be a better steward of my remaining money.

Church Attendance
I will commit to attend a small group Bible study such as Sunday School regularly.
I will commit to participate in Sun. / Wed. Night services at my church.
I will commit to attend all services of the church.

Ministry Involvement
I will commit to find a ministry service so that I am using my spiritual gifts and abilities to serve my church and/or community for the Lord.

Scripture Memory
I will memorize _____ verses that are important to me.

Reading Christian Literature
I will commit to reading at least one Christian non-fiction book each quarter of the year.

Accountability Partnership(s)
I will commit to finding someone of the same gender to start an accountability group.
I will meet with my account. partner ____ times per month.

Mentoring & Discipleship
I will commit to finding someone to mentor me this year.
I will commit to finding someone to disciple this year.

Obedience – acting on God’s promptings
I will commit to say “yes” to all God asks of me.
I will commit to find and attempt at least one “action” to take each week from Sunday School/Worship.

Sharing My Faith
I will commit to writing out my testimony this year.
I will commit to sharing my testimony in Sunday School.
I will have the goal of turning every conversation I have toward Jesus.

Family Devotions (and praise)
I will commit to leading my family to have a devotional time together ____ time(s) per week.

Other Commitments God Wants Me To Make
Perhaps to cease a behavior/habit

Personal Worship Plan Booklet Link Just click on this pdf image link to open or download the file.

(if you are reading this on facebook or another source that doesn’t allow you to download the file, you will need to go to to download it)

Christian Living

Resolutions: A Personal Worship Plan

New Year's Resolutions List for 2014 to focus on a personal worship planWe are a month into 2014, and writing about my reading lists made me think about my other “resolutions.” Did you make any for 2014? Or have you come to the point where you have broken so many that your only resolution is to not make any more resolutions?

Even so, We make all sorts of plans throughout any given year. We resolve to make changes in our exercise, our eating habits, our business goals…. Shouldn’t we also give some thought to resolving to grow in our Christian lives?

Do you have a goal for your Bible reading, prayer life, charitable giving, church attendance, ministry involvement, etc.?

Maybe you are thinking, but why do so, when I so often fail at my New Years’ Resolutions? Should I write down more goals that if I don’t meet, I will feel guilty about?

In one of the most widely read books of all time – The Imitation of Christ – Thomas a Kempis reminds us – “Each day we ought to renew our resolutions as though it were the first day of our life in Christ. Because as our intention is, so will be our progress; so he who desires godly perfection must be very diligent. We know that even a strong-willed man fails Christ frequently, but what about the man who thinks of Christ seldom or is half-hearted in his attempts to live for Him? We must always have a fixed mindset, especially against those things which tempt us the most. In the morning make a resolution and in the evening examine yourself on how you did, what you have done and thought. Each day, read or write or pray or meditate or do something for the common good.”

And Thomas a Kempis reminds us why we need to do so – “as our intention is, so will be our progress.” Or as we might hear it stated today – “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”

Don’t stop setting spiritual goals simply because of possible guilt if you don’t meet them. Instead, be encouraged at what progress you do make, and become re-focused to go even farther tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.

Have you set any goals in your Christian life for 2014?

Next time, I’ll share some ideas you might want to consider in resolving to improve your Bible reading, prayer life, ministry involvement, etc.

Christian Living

What I Have Been and Will Be Reading

This year I am taking a cue my friend and co-worker, Jonathan McDuffie, and I am creating a reading plan by selecting twelve books to read for the year… the plan being to read at least one book a month for my spiritual growth and development. The list of my twelve is at the bottom of the post.

As I mentioned before, some of the books I read are “new” while some of them are a bit older. For example, John Huss’ work “On the Church” was written in 1413. (And then he was executed by fire two years later for holding to the Bible over man-made religious beliefs.)

artist depiction of the burning execution of jan hus (john huss)

Here is most of what I read over the past two years:

Personal Spiritual Growth
Knowing God – J.I. Packer
How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life – Gregory Frizzell
Returning to Holiness – Gregory Frizzell
Releasing the Revival Flood – Gregory Frizzell
The Cost of Discipleship – Deitrich Bonhoeffer
Christ at Work Opening Doors – Kent Humphreys
Every Man’s Battle – Stephen Arteburn & Fred Stoeker

Missions Strategy Books
The Great Omission – Steve Saint
Serving as Senders – Neal Pirolo
When Helping Hurts – Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

Other Stuff to Help Me As a Pastor
Dangerous Calling – Paul Tripp
I Am a Church Member – Thom Rainer
Creature of the Word – Matt Chandler, et. al.
Transformational Church –Ed Stetzer & Thom Rainer
Building below the Waterline – Gordon MacDonald

And the Old Stuff (written over 100 years ago)
Orthodoxy – G.K.Chesterton
Pilgrim’s Progress, parts 1 & 2 – John Bunyan
In Praise of Folly – Desiderius Erasmus
A German Theology – Martin Luther, translator
Address to the Christian Nobility – Martin Luther
Augsburg Confession – Phillipp Melancthon
On Christian Freedom – Martin Luther
Treatise on the Church – John Huss
The Babylonian Captivity – Martin Luther
On Christian Liberty – Martin Luther

The twelve books I have selected to read for this year are:
1. The Jesus I Never Knew, Philip Yancey
2. The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis
3. The Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius of Loyola
4. The Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton
5. Darwin on Trial, Phillip E. Johnson
6. The Pursuit of God, A. W. Tozer
7. Out of the Saltshaker and into the World, Rebecca Pippert
8. The Diary of Anne Frank, Anne Frank
9. The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom
10. The Wounded Healer, Henri J. M. Nouwen
11. Prayer: Conversing With God, Rosalind Rinker
12. Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, Ronald J. Sider

What about you? Earlier in the week you shared what your favorites were. What are you going to read to help you grow in Christ this year? Do you have a plan? Do you have any you are presently working on? Have you read any that are on my list?