Christian Living

Assaulted on Two Sides

We saw a horrific physical assault during the Boston Marathon leaving tragic consequences for individuals, families, the community, and even the nation. It is frightening to think that without warning, any of us could be under a similar physical attack. We live in a sin-filled world, and it is terrible that some have embraced sin to such an extent that they cannot see how evil their actions are. Our security forces are trying to guard us against this evil by finding the perpetrators and remove them so that they cannot do this again.

At the same time that physical assaults have been leveled at some of our nation, we find a different disturbing situation that has to potential to affect all of us today – a constant spiritual assault trying to destroy our lives. But in this area, it is left up to each person or family to be their own guardian to root out evil and remove it.

close up of a remote control to represent the spiritual assault of the arts, e.g. tv“A massive global assault has been launched upon us, and it is the arts more than any other single force that predominate as an influential agent, molding our character, our values, and our beliefs. This invasion bypasses our reason and captures our imagination” (Ravi Zacharias).

If this is true, then I best be careful what I fill my mind with in regard to music and literature and movies and tv. And parents need to be very careful what they let their children pour into their developing minds.

God tells us to think on the things that are good, noble, and praiseworthy. But I’ve listened to and watched plenty that do not fall into these categories. And in doing so I find that my language gets fouler, my ideas become skewed, and my attitude grows toxic in short order.

I remember talking to parents who would tell me that their children who normally were respectful and kind could become defiant and mean just based upon the shows they were watching. When they cut that channel or show out of the child’s life, the attitude of kindness returned.

As an adult, if I am being honest, I find the same thing true in my life. My internal attitude depends greatly on what I am filling my mind with. So I aim to be more careful with what I put into it. I aim to be more discerning about what I am watching and listening to. And if it is not good, noble, excellent, & praiseworthy, then I pray that God will give me the strength to cut it out of my life.

Have you found this to be true in your own life, or the life of your children?

— brian rushing

Christian Living


“More than He wants you to understand what He is doing,
God wants you to trust that He understands what He is doing.”
-Heath Johnson

I agree with my friend Heath – God doesn’t ask me to understand what He is doing. Though there are times when He provides me with understanding, there are many times when I am not able to understand the “why,” rather I am simply to trust.

But I don’t like that.
I’d rather know more about why.
I want Him to educate me on the reasons. library shelves filled from top to bottom with books

But the truth is that… “our problem is not an inadequate education. It is a rebellious heart” (Ravi Zacharias).

Fortunately, He is trustworthy. So we don’t have to require that He educate us completely with His plans. We can simply submit ourselves to His Lordship, knowing that He is a trustworthy and good King.

Trust Him.
I’m still learning how.
But I continue to find that the more trust I place in Him, the more trustworthy and faithful I find Him to be. Join me in finding Him to be most faithful!

God, Help Us To Change Our Conversations!

— brian rushing


doin’ nuthin’

I’m thinking that maybe I should plan on doing nothing today. How much nothing are you planning on doing this week?

great dane sleeping and doing nothing with her paw over her face“We need to wake up to how much “nothing” we spend our time doing. Apart from prayer, all our scurrying about, all our talking, all our study amounts to “nothing.” For most of us the voice of self-reliance is ten times louder than the bell that tolls for the hours of prayer… Both our flesh and our culture scream against spending an hour on our knees.” (John Piper – Brothers, We are not Professionals)

We feel that there is so much else we “need” to do. But what could be time better spent than conversing with the King of the Universe? I hope you will carve out some time this morning to slow down, stop doing “nothing,” and talk with your Creator before you begin your busy day.

— brian rushing

Serving Others


Though I do not own a fiddle, there are times I enjoy just “fiddlin’ around.” In fact, I’m hoping that they introduce fiddlin’ as a new Olympic sport – I think I could compete in the heavy-weight division. But then I also wonder if my efforts to become an Olympic-class fiddlin’ champ are damaging my ability to present Christ as my greatest Treasure.

shiny wooden fiddle for fiddlin' onI loved the dialogue in a movie between a professor and student, where the professor is encouraging his brightest student to quit wasting his talents and creativity on just trying to please himself:

Student: “What is wrong with me wanting to live the good life, if I am smart enough to do so? What is wrong with me chasing the American dream of a tremendous salary, a beautiful mansion to live in, and the finest cars to drive?”

Professor: “Todd, what good is a $90,000 Mercedes-Benz if…the nation is falling apart? Rome is burning son – What good is a $90,000 Benz when [our faithful men & women of the military] are giving their lives for your freedom? How can you use your liberty and freedom to enjoy the good life when you are fully aware of what it is costing someone else to secure your liberty & freedom?  We are the problem – we are just fiddlin’, trying to maneuver around the edges of the flames.”

Wow! What an excellent discussion of what I often do with my freedom in Christ. I often present the argument of Todd to both God and to myself. Am I at all aware of what Jesus willingly gave up for me to have freedom from sin, death, & hell? What about what others are doing to continue to tell the message of Christ around the world – giving up their comfort, their safety, their finances, their security, their health, their very lives for the sake of the gospel. How can I put on blinders to chase the American Dream of comfort and safety and ease when I know of the darkness… the spiritual poverty, the spiritual hunger and thirst people are trying to quench, the persecution of our fellow Christian brothers and sisters around the world?

Rome is burning! And I am still practicing my “fiddlin’ around.” I have taken my liberty in Christ, and I have just been fiddling, staying on the edges of the flames of actual sacrificial commitment and radical obedience to Christ.

But there are people out there, day after day, all over the world – fighting to take the gospel to this world, to shine the light of Christ into dark places. When will I stop fiddling and join them in the battle? God, wake me up from the tragic dream that the Christian life should be safe and that you are okay with me fiddlin’.

“Time is too short; and the weather is too turbulent for business as usual in our Christian community.”

— brian rushing

Christian Living

Kevlar Body Armor

Did you put on your Kevlar this morning? Planning to pack a bullet-proof vest for vacation? Did you remind the kids to bundle up in body armor before sending them out to play? I don’t need armor for the playground or vacation. But military personnel need Kevlar vests because they are going to the battlefield where their lives are in danger.

ancient knight's armor representing the spiritual armor we needBut why does God tell me to put on armor in Ephesians? Why would I need a spiritual Kevlar vest if the Christian life is safe, secure, and comfortable? The reason is that the Christian life is not easy. In fact, God knows that I am headed into a battle, and so I better be prepared.

Too often I want to believe the Christian life is supposed to be a life of leisure, comfort, and security now that Jesus is on my side. I get into a playground mentality. And that is exactly what satan wants! He doesn’t want me to believe that I am in the midst of a battle or preparing for war. He wants me in a playground-mentality Christianity. God says put on combat boots (“shod your feet with the boots of the Gospel”), but satan says – just put on some cheap, foam flip-flops – they’ll be fine, that’s all you need. And too often, I slip on the flip-flops as if I’m going to the beach.

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.” If satan doesn’t exist, then I can be safe and comfortable playing on the see-saw with a friend. But if satan does exist, and if he really is trying to kill, steal, and destroy my happiness, my family, & my very life, then I need to put on the proper armor for the battle. As Christians, we are the only ones who know this to be the truth, and therefore we are the only warriors available. But instead of running to the battle, too often I find myself running to the swingset.

So today, instead of having a playground mentality of Christianity, I’m gonna put on my spiritual Kevlar by spending time in God’s Word and prayer! Be sure to grab yours before you go out the door today!

— brian rushing