
You Can’t Earn A Spot In Heaven Thru Good Works

Regarding the desire that so many people have had through the ages, and which we still have today… the wish that going to heaven was based on being a good person and doing enough good things to earn a spot there:

Thus a Christian, being consecrated by his faith, does good works; but he is not by these works made a more sacred person, or more a Christian. That is the effect of faith alone; nay, unless he were previously a believer and a Christian, none of his works would have any value at all.
–Martin Luther

God does not look at our good works to determine if we are fit for heaven. He looks at our faith.
Jesus says: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.

Many of us have this thought: “I hope I’ve been a good enough person to go to heaven.” But that is not how God operates. Jesus says that the only way to salvation is through belief in Him for salvation… belief that His sacrifice on the cross was what made a way for us to enter into God’s presence.

And once we have been transformed from people of unbelief to people of belief, then our works matter – not for our salvation, but to show our love for our King and to point other people to Him.

Have you trusted in Christ as the only way to have eternal life? If so, then continue building up good works to bring glory to God. If not, then stop striving to earn your way to heaven. It is impossible. Instead, investigate the claims of Jesus and trust in Him for your salvation. He is the one who already earned the way. You just have to believe it.


Jesus: the Perfect Prophet, Priest, and King. He is Trustworthy.

Jesus is the perfect Prophet, who perfectly pointed people to God through His wisdom and teaching.
Jesus is the perfect King, who ushered in a new kingdom and displayed His authority over demons, sickness, and nature.
And Jesus is the perfect Priest, who lovingly and compassionately cared for people and provided healing.

–Matt Chandler

Jesus perfectly fulfills all three of these God-ordained roles in a way that no other human ever could.

That’s why He is the only One who is trustworthy enough to give your life to.
He can be trusted with your heart and with your soul.
Because He is the only One who can control your life without destroying it!


The Terrible Lie That All Ideas Are Equal

There is a major difference between Christianity and secular thought:

In the economy of God’s creation, there was intended an egalitarianism among human beings; that is, each person was equal in essence and dignity. On the other hand, there was to be an elitism in ideas, meaning that not all ideas are equal — some ideas are clearly superior to others.
–Ravi Zacharias

But secular thought takes a different stance, where:
People have been rendered elite, and ideas are egalitarian, [meaning] we exalt some individuals or races while rejecting others and at the same time foolishly argue that all ideas are equal.
–Ravi Zacharias

This means that 2+2 will never equal 5. It will always equal 4.
math equations
Just because I don’t like the answer, doesn’t mean I can change it. This is one of the simplest examples of the elitism of ideas. Some ideas and answers are clearly superior to others. But in the area of ethics and morality, our society has said that 2+2 does equal 5… or 12… or even 1 billion. Whatever you want it to equal. You can have your answer and I can have my answer and what is right for you doesn’t have to be what is right for me. We have rid ourselves of a moral standard, which has spiraled us into a terrible place as a society.

Jesus adamantly stated that He was the Christ – God Himself who came to earth in human flesh to bring people back to Himself through an act of sacrificial love. This statement is either true or it is false. It cannot be both. It cannot be true for me and false for you. It is either true for everyone (like 2+2=4) or it is false for everyone (2+2=5).

I hope that you will come to believe that all men are created equal and that all men have the same dignity, value, and worth because of God’s creating each one in His image and because Jesus died on the cross for every one of us since we were all under the same condemnation for our sinful selves. He loves us the same. We are equal in essence and dignity.

And I hope that you will come to believe that not all ideas are created equal, and that you will seriously investigate the life and message of Jesus Christ. In doing so, you will find the most glorious Truth – Jesus himself – The One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Don’t buy into the lie that all ideas are equal.
Clearly they are not.


Loving Others in Spite of Themselves

Today’s quote deals with us considering others as more important than yourself. So let me simply share one Bible passage, and then the quote from Matt Chandler. I won’t need to make any additional comments, as the quote provides its own application through the six excellent questions at the end:

Philippians 2:3-4
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Our understanding of God’s love for us… enables us to love others in spite of themselves. Affection for the Lord leads to affection for others, resulting in outdoing one another in honor. It makes us ask ourselves questions like:
• How can I be concerned about you and your needs?
• Why shouldn’t I take the farthest parking spot?
• How about if I take the seat that’s blocked by a pole?
• What if I lose so you can win?
• How can I disadvantage myself for your advantage?
• What would it mean to consider you more significant than me?

–Matt Chandler

(Scripture quote is from the NASB)


The Church’s Twofold Commission: Mission and Worship

The church is under a twofold commission: God has sent his people into the world to proclaim salvation and to serve the needy. But he has also called his own from the world to worship and learn of him. Mission without worship can produce empty service, just as worship without mission can lead to careless religion.
–Bruce Shelley

May God help us to engage in worship that leads to mission that leads to worship.