Christian Living

I Choose Death (or even “Living as a Dead Man”)

a skull to symbolize "living as a dead man" or choosing deathWhat a morbid title for a post. And no, this is not a post about zombies!

I recently shared that we need to Hate our Families [hyperlink], based on Jesus’ statement that “He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me,” ending with the idea that we can actually love our families more by loving them less… loving them less than we love God. If we refuse to do so, then God is not the One who is actually seated on that King’s Throne in our life.

But there is something even more likely to rob Jesus of His rightful place than our own family—the love of one’s own life.

So in addition to this hard statement of “hating family,” Jesus added more difficulty with “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.”

Jesus, why do You keep saying such hard things? Don’t you know that I don’t really like these ideas? I want following you to be a bit easier than carrying a heavy, rough cross and constantly having some painful burden on my shoulders.

We haven’t witnessed anyone dying on a cross, so this statement loses some of its meaning for us, but the people in Jesus’ day knew what it meant to “take up” a cross. They knew it wasn’t just a heavy burden to bear for a lifetime (which often is how we view the idea). They saw men bearing their crosses to the places where they were to be executed; they watched these condemned criminals die by crucifixion.

They understood that taking up one’s cross meant to walk to one’s death.

The statement means that one should live in devoted abandonment to Him, such that even death is not too high a price to pay. Those who call themselves Christ-followers are to value Him so highly that they do not count their lives precious to themselves.

To “take up your cross daily” means to die to self daily.

“The cross is always an instrument of death, not just an object to carry around with us for all of life. The Christian is to die mentally and actively – not just carrying the cross as a burden, but marching toward self-death. The Christian is to deny himself daily. He is to let the mind of Christ, the mind of humbling himself to the point of death, be in him and fill his thoughts every day. He is to put his will, his desires, his wants, his ambitions to death. In their place, he is to follow Jesus and to do His will all day long. This is not negative, passive behavior. It takes positive, active behavior to deny one’s self, to take up one’s cross, to follow Christ.” (from POSB Commentary)

Jesus is telling me: In regard to your love for family, your love for Me should make that love look like hate. BUT in regard to your love for self, your love for Me requires that you be willing to sacrifice your entire life. The cross is a means of execution.

When a missionary was heading into an area known to have violent people, the person getting him there by boat said to him – “You shouldn’t do this. Don’t you know that if you try to preach to these people they might kill you? You will likely die here.” To which the missionary answered, “Oh, that’s not a problem. I died before I ever stepped foot on your boat.”

We are to choose Christ. In doing so, we are to choose death.

And so…
I am ready to die – in fact I already have.


The Choice to Be A Reconciler or A Rejecter

Everything we say has a possibility of helping people feel either reconciled or rejected.
We can either heal or hurt with our words.

three matches burning to indicate it just takes a small spark to start a fireA forest fire can be started with a small spark, and the tongue can be that spark in someone’s life. Though the tongue is only a small part of the body, it is a key to producing words. And so with that small muscle, we can set someone’s world on fire – we can tear them down or we can build them up.

tobymac sings that it’s crazy, amazing that we can turn a heart with the words we say. That hope can live or die due to what we speak, so we should speak life to others.

Are you using your words to build others up – being a reconciler? or do you spend more time tearing others down?
God has committed to me and to you… He has entrusted to us… the ministry of reconciliation. What will you do with this ministry He has handed off to you?

Matt Chandler states it this way: Our understanding of God’s love for us, despite the fact that we don’t deserve it, enables us to love others in spite of themselves. Affection for the Lord leads to affection for others, resulting in outdoing one another in service. It makes us ask ourselves questions like:

  • How can I be concerned about you and your needs?
  • Why shouldn’t I take the farthest parking spot?
  • How about if I take the seat that’s has a blocked view?
  • What if I lose so you can Win?
  • How can I disadvantage myself for your advantage?
  • What would it mean to consider you more significant than me?
  • “Compassion linked to the gospel is compassion that goes beyond merely observing hurting people; it sees hurting people and realizes that Jesus loves them immensely. Ultimately, then, it’s not our compassion but the compassion of Jesus that fuels and sustains our desire to act on others’ behalf. When We remember how gracious and compassionate Christ has been to us, our compassion is as sustainable as our remembrance of the gospel” (Matt Chandler).

    So how strong is your remembrance of the gospel?
    How well do you remember how Christ reconciled you to the Father?
    Are you ready to help reconcile others to the Father – even those whom you never had a relationship with before, those to whom you wouldn’t typically be with, because Christ loves them and calls you to it? He is calling you to be relationally intentional toward others so that you can share with them the word of reconciliation… the truth that they can find salvation in Jesus Christ – the transforming Savior.

    Because God has radically transformed us, we shared a common bond deeper than anything that can divide us. Let us teach others about that deep, deep love. Become a relationally intentional reconciler.


    How to Hate Your Family

    What? Why Would I Want to Hate My Own Family…

    Well…Because Jesus commanded it:
    “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.”
    1. Christ must be loved Supremely – above ALL else, even family;
    2. We must be willing to suffer shame & even death for Christ; &
    3. We must give up all of our own desires to adopt His desires.

    I say “MUST” because if you refuse to do so, then he says you are not “worthy” of Him… Not worthy of being called or counted as one of His disciples.

    In another place, Jesus states it even more strongly – “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.” This One known for supreme love tells us to hate our own family? But in other places He tells us to love others as we love ourselves. So what is He saying? That your love for Him must be so great as to make all of your other loves look like hate in comparison.

    Our first and strongest loyalty is to be to God.

    The reason for this is that the only One who can control your life without destroying it is Jesus Christ. When you take control, you will damage and/or destroy your life. Many of us can testify to the fact that we have seen life begin to fall apart when we put God over on the sideline and tried to take control ourselves.

    In the same way, Terrible things happen when family relationships are put before God. Families cannot be what they should be without God. No family can reach its full potential without God. Without God as the key Leader, a family will lack spiritual growth, will lack the Holy Spirit’s strength and conviction, will lack true commitment to one another, and will lack a guiding purpose. There is only One who can control your family without destroying it. Without Him as the family leader, there is a lack of spiritual strength to face the trials and crises that confront the family during life together.

    The point is this: we must love God supremely, putting Him before all others, even before our own family members. When we do, our families are assured of being everything they should be and of being looked after and cared for by God. Therefore a person’s decision to follow Christ is the best decision he can make for his spouse and his family.

    John Piper wrote it this way to his son on the occasion of his marriage – “Love her more by Loving her less” – By loving God supremely, He will help you love her more completely.

    So let us love our families more, by loving them less.

    Serving Others

    Short Unoriginal Post #1 – Lowering Yourself

    a blank note with a pen resting on itSo this is a short post. I won’t be wordy (or at least not “too wordy”). And I won’t even use my own words. Thus the title – Short & Unoriginal! Here is a quote today from Matt Chandler’s Book “Creature of the Word.”

    “…because we have always lived in the chaos of sin, the kingdom of God feels backward and counterintuitive to us. In the kingdom, the hungry are full. The poor are rich. The mourning are blessed. And the powerful are servants.

    He said to them, “You’re right in calling Me Lord and Teacher, because I am.”

    Jesus was addressing Peter’s prevailing view that serving would cause Jesus to lose His stature as the Holy One. “I am beyond you. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I have always been, and I will always be. I can tell it to stop raining, and it will. I can tell it to start raining, and it will. I can tell dead people not to be dead, and they’ll listen. I can tell sick people they’re no longer sick, and any illness will leave them. And yet I do this to set an example for you—that in the kingdom of God… we do not use our power or influence selfishly. We do not use our position to keep from serving those under us. Rather, we use that power, position, and ability to actively lower ourselves and serve those under us and around us.”

    Short & Unoriginal – but good stuff!

    So go out today, intentionally plan on lowering yourself, and serve those around you.


    How My Plans Turned Into Lies

    It’s not that I planned to be a liar!
    It’s just that old “best laid plans of mice and men” situation.
    We all know that the best of intentions don’t always succeed… and my plans are no exception!

    Approximately one year ago I started a blog. I started out posting on facebook, and then some church members asked for it to be emailed because they weren’t on facebook. So I started doing both. Someone else told me they preferred twitter. So I then added in some tweeting. And then someone else (my brother, more specifically!) wanted me to put it into a blog…

    So I did.

    Since that time I have written 122 blogs. This one will be 123. That means I have averaged just over 2 a week, which is not too bad for an initial attempt. The bad part was the inconsistency… some weeks were “heavy” weeks with a blog almost every day, and some weeks I didn’t post at all.

    The reasons for the irregularity… well there are mucho…
    I am often too wordy. I am a perfectionist. I have another job. I am still learning how to maintain a website…Take your pick from any of these and/or write up some new ones. (And you can already tell from this post that the “too wordy” description is probably the most accurate!)

    In writing the blog, what I find is that I not only want to create original posts with helpful content, I also want to fully express each idea. But I have discovered that doing so takes a lot of effort!

    a path through the woodsAll this has been realized by me before, and on those occasions of clarity, I have said that my plan would be to post more consistently by not worrying so much about polishing up my ideas. So several months after making that statement, I find that once again what I said I would do did not happen. (Yep, that makes me a liar. But not a malicious one!) So I’m gonna try once more to live up to what I have intended to do. With the hopes that one year from now, my average will be at least 3 posts per week. We’ll see if this new plan becomes reality!

    And thanks to all of you who have encouraged me to keep posting!

    It has been an enjoyable journey for me, and I look forward to seeing where the path will take me next.

    Now stay tuned for a short post today!