
Quote – Jan 15, 2015 – On Suffering

You and I must resist the lie of the enemy that we have been selected to face what others haven’t. We must resist the temptation of thinking that God has forgotten us, neglected us, or turned his back on us. We must refuse to feel that we are victims of abandonment by the One we are called to represent. And we must remember that our suffering is not in the way of God’s plan, but part of it. In our suffering God is not only with us but also is employing it to change us and those to whom we minister.
–Paul David Tripp

As we experience suffering, let us not despair. Rather, let us use it to push us into a deeper relationship with our God who will walk through it with us. It is true that “the rain falls on both the righteous and the unrighteous,” however only one of those groups has a comforting God walking with them through the rain holding their hands.