Christian Living

How Well Do You Speak English?

Calligraphy letters representing the English language we misuse through curse words

From a poster in my father’s football locker room in the 1960s:
“Using curse words proves to everyone around you that you are not intelligent enough to communicate your thoughts using the English Language.”

The words of that poster must’ve stuck with Dad, because he was not one to use foul language as an adult, at least not that I can remember. I can’t say that I always followed his conviction about language when I was younger, but as an adult, I have also used the words of that poster to guide my speech.

God tells us, “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear…and there must be no filthiness…or coarse joking, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks” (Ephesians).

I hope to show my intelligence today as I guard my speech from unwholesome words. Hope you’ll join me!

God, Help Us To Change Our Conversations
And The Language We Use When We Speak!

No one who really wants [their life] to count for God can afford to play at Christianity. –H. A. Ironside

— brian rushing


Letting the Overflow Spill Out

Do you remember Rainman . . . “I’m an excellent driver… Dad lets me drive slow on the driveway every Saturday. …But not on Monday, definitely not on Monday… Uh oh, fifteen minutes to Judge Wapner.”

Ha! As for myself, I might change the phrase to something like – “I’m an excellent reader.” What I mean is that I love to read, and I hate to keep the great stuff I come across to myself. Some of it makes its way into sermons, but there just is not enough time to share it all. Therefore, the overflow spills out into my posts.
the overflow in the bucket is pouring out
That might answer your question as to why I sometimes quote from one person for several days in a row. As I am reading a book, I might come across some powerful ideas that I want to share with you, and so that is when the overflow spills over.

I hope you will do the same – pouring into the lives of those around you the overflow of what God is showing you or teaching you. How well are you doing that with your children? with coworkers? with social media? If you look back over your own facebook posts or tweets from the past month, how could you have changed a caption to one of your posted pictures to let your friends know that God is the One who has blessed you with that beautiful child or family? Are you using your overflow to exalt Him? Are you being intentional?

As I have said before, we need to keep praying: “God, Help Us To Change Our Conversations!”

Today, I hope that you will strategically use your conversations to show that Jesus is your greatest Treasure.

— brian rushing