Christian Living

Being a Light-Bearer for Jesus – Creating Holes in the Darkness

In preparing for a message on God’s light, I ran across this illustration of what it means to be a light-bearer for Christ:

Years ago, a traveler arrived at a village in France on Sunday evening, and found people hurrying through the streets, each carrying a similar looking lamp. As they walked through the streets with these lamps, little pockets of light were poking holes in the darkness.

The traveler stopped someone to ask where they were all going with these lamps and was told, “We have no other way of lighting our church. When the church was built, it was decided that each member should bring his own lamp. Everyone goes there to make it brighter, for he knows that if he stays away, the church will be darker and the service sadder.”

So the traveler followed the people and entered the church, and he saw that on every pew there was a place to hang a lamp; and as the church began filling, what began as individual little pockets of light, slightly piercing the darkness, became a building filled with light by the many lamps brought together to overcome the darkness.

a lantern - reminding you to be a light-bearer for ChristWe are called to do the same today. Jesus calls us the “light of the world,” and as a light-bearer, you carry the light of Christ within you. As a light-bearer, you poke a hole in the darkness individually when you are out in the world. But each of us are also called to bring our individual lights together as the church to make an even larger impact on the world around us as we bring glory to God and overcome the darkness with His Light.

God tells us that people love darkness rather than light. Without Jesus, our hearts are black, bound to sin, with no light within us. But Jesus wants you to receive His light and be transformed. What have you done with His light?

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Jesus’s light helps us navigate through this dark world – His light helps you find a way through the treacherous paths that Satan and this sin-filled world have placed in front of you.a photo of lampposts in fog reminding us to be a light-bearer for Christ

Have you allowed God’s light to help you on your life journey? Are you sharing His light with others to help light their way? Or have you walked into danger and difficulty, because you were unwilling to accept His light?

Jesus – the Light of men – want to share His light with you today – the light that pierces the darkness, the light that will show you the path to His righteousness and allow you to be a light-bearer for Him. Let His Word and the Holy Spirit be your light, and then bring your light together with other light-bearers – to be even more effective at poking holes in the darkness and pointing people back to of many lamps together - reminding us to come together as light-bearers for Christ

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Our neighbors keep showing us love during the COVID crisis

What a change we have encountered these past few weeks. A loss of gathering together due to COVID-19. And though we can’t gather, our neighbors have continued to show us love and care through this crisis.

The “art of neighboring” seems to be a lost art in so many areas, but in our little community of Newton, some still know how it’s done. I was recently asked to write something about how church members should care for their communities during this time, and as I came up with my ideas, they were all obtained from how my neighbors have cared for Paige and me these past two months.a picket fence and a neighbor's house to think about how to interact with our neighbors

Jesus calls all of His followers to be salt and light to those who live around us. We should take that command seriously. But how can we do this effectively right now in the midst of quarantines and “sheltering in place”?

First, you need to love your community. Pastor John Knox prayed in the 1500s, “Give me Scotland or I die!” I believe that same type of prayer should be the your heart’s cry for your community. God has placed you in your neighborhood “for such a time as this,” and here are some ideas of how our neighbors have been salt and light to us (and how we should now be salt and light to others):

1. Pray for your neighbors.
Even before I found out I had lost my job, we had neighbors who were praying for us. And since learning of my new situation, those prayers have been increased. The most important action you can do for your neighbors is to pray for them – to lift up their names and their needs to the Father. I am so thankful that my neighbors continue telling me how they are praying for us. Of course, for you to pray for your neighbors by name, you will first need to know their names. If you have not yet met your neighbors, then start praying that God will give you an opportunity to meet them! One of our neighbors continues finding ways to meet the people who live around us and she tries to bless them in many different ways. (Thank you, Apryl!)

2. Look for opportunities to interact face-to-face.
I read of one person who made sure to go to her mailbox everyday at the same time as her neighbor, just so she could begin a conversation. That’s a great plan, but one which requires intentionality. Like a neighborhood missionary, look for when your neighbors are outside, and make it a point to go out at that time to strike up a conversation. People are hungry for relationships right now! For example, another one of our neighbors has used this time to build an outdoor seating area where she has invited several of us over to sit and visit while “socially distancing”! (Thank you, Amy!) And when another one of my neighbors recently got a drone stuck in the tree, we all stood around and visited together while some other friends got it down. (Fun times with Zach, Amy, Lewis, and Brian!) And when Paige and I were visiting with a friend outside, several other adults who saw us visiting, walked over to join in the conversation. (It ended up being us, Georgia, Jan, Abby, Carl, Seane [and bulldogs Rudy and Bella!] – as we were watching Ellie, Mabry, and Aimee ride bikes!) We had a great time visiting. And if you don’t know about your neighbor’s relationship with God, then just start simple and work toward gospel conversations, such as asking how you could pray for them.

3. Serve your neighbors.
For example, my across the street neighbor who we love to eat steaks with recently called me one morning. He said, “I am going to the store. Do you need me to pick up anything for you while I’m out?” That was so simple, yet it meant so much during the time of quarantine. (Thank you, Carl!) But why stop serving one another just because we stop “sheltering-in-place”? Call your neighbors to ask if they need anything. And if you don’t have their phone number, then when you intentionally meet them at the mailbox, tell them you’d like to get their number so you can check on them!

4. Show your neighbors that you are “For” them.
Bless your neighbors in unlooked-for ways. For example, if you go purchase some plants for the garden, purchase a few extras, and share them with your neighbors. Or hand-write a brief note of how you appreciate them and how you are praying for them. I had a friend do this for me just the other day after learning of my loss of a job. (Thank you, Gary!) We all still love getting hand-written notes – though this is also a dying art! Or make a little extra when you prepare a meal in order to take some food to them (we have neighbors that do this for us – and it is fantastic! Thank you Carl, Seane, and Amy!). These are all small gestures that have a huge impact.

I agree with Rosaria Butterfield who says, “God never gets the address wrong.” God has placed you at your address to be salt and light to your neighbors. He didn’t get your address wrong. God wants you to meet and minister to the people He has placed around you so that you can impact your neighbors with His light and love. I’m so glad my neighbors have been salt and light to Paige and me!

Let’s get out of the saltshaker!

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