
The task of changing human society.

Jesus’ appearance in our midst has made it undeniably clear that changing the human heart and changing human society are not separate tasks, but are as interconnected as the two beams of the cross.
–Henri Nouwen

We look out at our society and find ourselves frustrated with the fact that it does not seem to be changing for the better. And yet, the only way it will truly change for the better is if individuals have a heart change. One heart change at a time…one transformation at a time…that one change is one small step toward societal change. And as many hearts change, so also does a society. Jesus came to change the human heart – one-at-a-time – and in so doing to change entire societies. And he changes these individual human hearts by his love and power – shown by the cross and the empty tomb.

God change my heart.
Make me into the image of Jesus.
Send a revival, and let it begin in me.