
Today You Could Find Your Next Best Friend

People today are desperate to connect in some meaningful way to others, yet modern life makes a deep sense of connection and personal integration terribly difficult.

Before tracts and techniques, before programs and pamphlets, we need to open our arms wide and let seekers know that they bless us just by being in our midst.
–Rebecca Pippert

One of the mysteries of God is His nature of being One God in relationship with Himself in Three Persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is a nature that is beyond our full comprehension, but it is clear from the Bible that He is the God who has always existed and who will always exist. Therefore, He has always been in relationship – it is one of His eternal characteristics.

And because we were created “in His image,” we find that we have within us a deep need to be in relationship. We have a longing to connect with others. We desire to be close to others, to have intimate relationships with them, to know others and be known by them at a deep, personal level. And yet, so many people hurt because finding these meaningful relationships can be so difficult and elusive in this busy, modern high-tech world.

That is where you come in. If you know Jesus Christ, then you know the abundant life that He has brought into your life through establishing a relationship with you. Now it is your job to be His hands and feet to others to touch them with the love of Christ. As someone who knows how important relationships are, you need to open your arms wide and bless others with your friendship today. A smile, a word of encouragement, a pat on the back – finding little ways to let others know that you enjoy being in relationship with them and their friendship is significant to you. Your openness to beginning a new relationship with someone who needs a friend could change their life, and who knows, you may even find your next best friend!

Be the voice of Christ in someone’s life today as you invite them into a relationship with you.